
Shopping in times of Corona

Einkaufen in Zeiten von Corona

why the shopping atmosphere plays an important role right now

Anyone who goes to the few shops that are open these days to sell basic goods will see a situation where, especially in the morning, a large number of customers stream into the shops and empty the freshly stocked shelves. Unfortunately, panic buying is still being observed, although it is repeatedly pointed out that the supply situation is not in danger as long as the usual quantities are purchased.

Later in the day, the situation usually calms down, the number of customers decreases, but the shelves are often empty and goods are missing. There is obviously little grey in all the black and white these days. The atmosphere in the shops suffers as a result - people react insecurely. Unfortunately, some of them are unfairly angry or rude to the hard-working employees.

No time for kind words

Stefanie B. (36) has been working in the food business for years, but she has never experienced a situation like the current one. "We can't keep up with unpacking the goods. While we are still unpacking from the pallet, the goods are being snatched out of our hands. The quantity limit that has now been introduced and announced on a noticeboard is unfortunately leading to us receiving complaints from customers.

But it's not our fault." The demands placed on staff in particular are enormous. The employees have to do their work under enormous pressure and at the same time try to compensate for the tension radiating from customers. "That is sometimes very difficult. Now is not the time for friendly words.

On the contrary: the customers are irritated, uncertain and extremely charged," says Stefanie B., describing the current everyday exceptional situation. "But there are also understanding reactions from grateful customers every now and then, which then build us up again."

Music creates a calming shopping atmosphere

Given the existing tensions and uncertainties, the atmosphere in which people go shopping plays a major role. It's good if a supermarket or drugstore has installed a sound system with background music.

Gunnar Kron, Managing Director of Kronoton GmbH, knows that music helps to calm people's minds: "The calming effect of music has been known for many decades. That is also the reason why music was played in elevators in the 1920s, to calm the fears and anxieties of customers who did not want to get in."

Even today, many stores use music to create a relaxed shopping atmosphere and use the services of professional service providers who send the right music to the customers in the sales area. "And that is particularly important now, when emotions are already running high. At the moment, every situation is extreme, different in the morning when the store opens than in the evening, when the silence in the empty aisles seems eerie. In such situations, music is more than just background music, it provides the atmosphere for shopping," says Gunnar Kron.

Tip 1: The choice of music program is decisive right now

It is important to have an influence on the choice of music. Gunnar Kron advises stores to adapt their current music selection to the situation: "The service providers can react on a daily basis. Of course, store operators should now have an influence on the music selected and request a selection of titles that actively deals with the current tension of customers.

This allows them to control the mood.” The providers are mostly connected to the music players via the Internet and can therefore influence the program in real time.

Tip 2: Play current announcements over the system

Daily changes such as quantity limits or requests to only purchase usual quantities for reasons of solidarity, or information on expected delivery dates for items in high demand, can be prepared centrally and then broadcast in the market at regular intervals.

"This takes the pressure off the staff, because the requirements and restrictions are not personified by them, but by the voice from the loudspeakers. If the atmosphere is already charged, the individual certainly does not want to address the customers about the quantity limit or perhaps remind them of solidarity.

This works better with announcements," adds Gunnar Kron. The service providers can also produce such announcements if they are requested by the shop operators.

Tip 3: Use the HDSX box to ensure the best sound for background music

The prerequisite for these measures is that the installed music system can reach the customers even in normal conditions. The loudspeakers available on the market are often installed at great distances and are not designed for music playback, but rather for announcements.

The volume fluctuations within each song and within playlists mean that the music is often not consciously perceived. Gunnar Kron has developed a sound processor that solves this problem: “Everyone knows the volume fluctuations of background music. When choosing the “right volume”, you always focus on the loudest parts of a song, even if that means that the quieter parts can no longer be heard. That’s where our HDSX box comes into play.

The powerful chip calculates the music in real time and adjusts its volume fluctuations so that the entire song is played at a consistent volume. Regardless of whether it is the beginning of the song, the verse or the finale, the volume of the music is always the same and reliable, but the music still sounds lively and natural."

The HDSX box is simply plugged between the music player and amplifier using standard plugs and works immediately as a plug and play system. No further settings or extensions to the existing system are necessary. Once installed, all music will be at a consistent volume without fluctuations. Never too loud or too quiet again.

"In addition, the HDSX box has the effect of closing sound gaps between speakers that are far away. Due to the consistent presence of the music without fluctuations, the room is filled with more music and is perceived as more voluminous than before. This phenomenon can be seen in all rooms in which our box is used."

Gunnar Kron therefore recommends using the HDSX box in addition to adapting the music programs so that the selected music can be heard in all areas of the store and can have an impact. This allows operators to control the mood within the store and ensure a more pleasant atmosphere.

Kronoton as a partner of the trade

Kronoton offers interested retailers a free telephone hotline in Germany on 0800 767 68 74, where they can ask questions about sound systems and request an HDSX box. The HDSX box is either sent to them or installed personally - as long as this is still possible - free of charge, including on-site adjustment of the sound system by Kronoton's sound engineers. Gunnar Kron says: "We want to offer ourselves as a partner to retailers. We are available with our experience in the current situation and are happy to support shop owners."

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