Audiowissen6 Gründe, warum Fernsehton oft nicht gut zu verstehen ist

6 reasons why TV sound is often difficult to understand

TV sound that is difficult to understand can have various causes. The most common reasons are described here: 1. Mixing of audio tracks: Often, dialogue, music and sound effects are not mixed optim...

AudiowissenWarum Filmdialoge in alten Filmen besser zu verstehen sind

Why film dialogues are easier to understand in old films

You know it when you watch old films: Often the actors seem to speak much more clearly, the music and sounds are much better separated, so that the dialogues always stand out clearly from the backg...

AudiowissenTV Ton verbessern – gleichmäßige Lautstärke und klare Sprache

Improve TV sound – consistent volume and clear speech

The sound delivered by TVs is usually not of the same quality as that from other audio sources such as speakers or headphones. This is because sound is often neglected in TVs as the focus is more o...

AudiowissenWarum sind Filme im TV mal laut mal leise?

Why are films on TV sometimes loud and sometimes quiet?

One of the main reasons why films are sometimes loud and sometimes quiet is the way they are produced. Sound effects such as explosions, gunshots or music can be very loud, thereby increasing the v...

AudiowissenSo wird eine gleichmäßige Lautstärke beim Fernsehen und Streamen erreicht

This ensures a consistent volume when watching TV and streaming

The problem of fluctuating volume levels when watching TV and streaming is well known. Sometimes it's the advertising that's too loud compared to the much quieter rest of the program, sometimes it'...

AudiowissenStörende Hintergrundmusik und Geräusche im TV unterdrücken

Suppress annoying background music and noises on TV

The classic TV and streaming situation: You're watching an exciting film, it's getting closer to the finale. More and more action, music and sounds are added to the actors' dialogues and then it ha...

AudiowissenSo wird laute TV-Werbung leise

How to make loud TV advertising quiet

It seems that everyone knows the problem of loud advertising in public and private television programs or on the streaming channel YouTube. But where does this come from – why are advertising br...

AudiowissenDarum dürfen Restaurants, Hotels und Shops für die Hintergrundmusik Spotify, Amazon, Apple und YouTube nicht benutzen

This is why restaurants, hotels and shops are not allowed to use Spotify, Amazon, Apple and YouTube for background music

In our discussions about using the HDSX box for background music, we repeatedly come across venues that trust in their own taste in music and make the effort to create their own playlists on Spoti...

AudiowissenTV-Lautsprecher für Senioren

TV speakers for seniors

Hearing can deteriorate with age. For many people, hearing loss, especially in the higher frequencies, begins in midlife. This does not have to be detrimental, as the brain adapts to it and the dif...

AudiowissenGleichmäßige Lautstärke und klare Sprache auf allen TV- und Streamingkanälen

Consistent volume and clear speech on all TV and streaming channels

The speech-optimized soundtrack "Clear Speech" has been used in some ARD programs since June 2022. It was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute in cooperation with ARD institutions and highlights ...

AudiowissenKlare Sprache - was kann sie und was kann der HDSX TV Sound Optimizer?

Clear speech – what can it do and what can the HDSX TV Sound Optimizer do?

ARD, ZDF and other public broadcasters have introduced the "Clear Language" soundtrack since June 1, 2022. This is intended to increase the intelligibility of speech. We feel encouraged that we hav...

AllgemeinKronoton erhält von Bundesforschungsministerium Siegel für innovative Forschungskompetenz

Kronoton receives seal for innovative research competence from the Federal Ministry of Research

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has confirmed Kronoton's innovative research expertise. Kronoton not only has innovative ideas in the audio sector, but also conducts in-depth resear...

AllgemeinLautstärkeanpassungen ist in den Geräten bereits vorhanden? Nur der HDSX TV Sound Optimizer bringt die volle Klangqualität!

Are volume adjustments already available in the devices? Only the HDSX TV Sound Optimizer delivers the full sound quality!

HDSX – High Definition Sound Expansion is a completely new sound experience! In the HDSX TV Sound Optimizer, HDSX.volume ensures consistent volume when watching TV, HDSX.speech ensures understanda...

AllgemeinWir stellen die HDMI-Variante des HDSX TV Sound Optimizers vor

We present the HDMI version of the HDSX TV Sound Optimizer

In our videos we describe all the new features of the HDMI variant. Part 1: Introduction of the HDMI variant: Part 2: Here we present our new HDSX.360: Part 3: Here we describe when ...

AllgemeinGunnar Kron im Management Podcast

Gunnar Kron in the Management Podcast

Gunnar Kron, Managing Director of Kronoton and mastermind of all developments, and his co-founding Managing Director and shareholder Wilfried Sorge were invited to Kathrin Lehmann's podcast to dis...

AllgemeinSerie: Frühjahrsputz für deine Ohren – Wir bringen dein Audiowissen auf Hochglanz! Folge 4

Series: Spring cleaning for your ears – We'll polish your audio knowledge! Episode 4

Episode 4: How does Dolby Atmos work… and do I even need it? Dolby Atmos offers a unique sound experience. That's what the advertising says. But how does the technology work? And above all: unde...

AllgemeinSerie: Frühjahrsputz für deine Ohren – Wir bringen dein Audiowissen auf Hochglanz! Folge 3

Series: Spring cleaning for your ears – We'll polish your audio knowledge! Episode 3

Episode 3: Do more channels mean better sound? More audio channels = better sound quality? A fallacy! More and more speakers ensure better and better sound. Many people share this view - and not ...

AllgemeinSerie: Frühjahrsputz für deine Ohren – Wir bringen dein Audiowissen auf Hochglanz! Folge 2

Series: Spring cleaning for your ears – We'll polish your audio knowledge! Episode 2

Episode 2: Why are volume and sound so different between streaming providers? Nowadays, there are a large number of streaming providers with different orientations. Some focus on films, such as N...

AllgemeinSerie: Frühjahrsputz für deine Ohren – Wir bringen dein Audiowissen auf Hochglanz! Folge 1

Series: Spring cleaning for your ears – We'll polish your audio knowledge! Episode 1

Episode 1: Why is it often difficult to understand the sound in films on television? It can be the most exciting blockbuster, the most impressive cinema images... - but the sound?! How often do ...

AllgemeinKronoton hilft

Kronoton helps

Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine leaves us speechless, but not helpless. Kronoton is now donating 1 euro for every HDSX TV Sound Optimizer sold to the UN refugee agency UNHCR. Our thoughts...

AllgemeinDer HDSX TV Sound Optimizer erobert Frankreich

The HDSX TV Sound Optimizer conquers France

At the end of the year, we are pleased to announce that the HDSX TV Sound Optimizer is now available in France! Our partner Son Video, one of the leading retailers for HiFi and home cinema, offers ...

AllgemeinHDSX-box reguliert Hintergrundmusik in der Tagesklinik

HDSX-box regulates background music in the day clinic

Data protection and a feel-good atmosphere thanks to background music The calming effect of background music at a consistent volume is widely known. We have written an article about how well thi...

AllgemeinPerfektes Klangambiente | Fachmagazin GCM veröffentlicht Interview mit Gunnar Kron

Perfect sound ambience | Specialist magazine GCM publishes interview with Gunnar Kron

How do you create the perfect sound ambience and why is it essential for sales success in retail and gastronomy? The latest issue of GCM magazine contains an interview with the managing director a...

AllgemeinGastronomieöffnung während Corona – auch auf den Sound der Hintergrundmusik kommt es an

Opening of restaurants during Corona – the sound of the background music is also important

Since mid-May, the first restaurants across the country have been reopening. The requirements are high and sophisticated hygiene concepts apply. As a result, the reopening of the catering industry...