
Der HDSX TV Sound Optimizer von Kronoton erobert Nordamerika

Kronoton's HDSX TV Sound Optimizer conquers North America

With London Drugs, the audio company from northern Germany is expanding its dealer network across the Atlantic for the first time and has gained an innovative trading partner in the traditional Can...

Wenn der Streit auf dem Sofa um die Fernsehlautstärke endlich der Vergangenheit angehört

When the argument on the sofa about the TV volume is finally a thing of the past

Many TV viewers are dissatisfied with the intelligibility of the dialogues and fluctuating volume when watching TV and streaming and would like to see an improvement. The HDSX TV Sound Optimizer e...

Die Klangrevolution fürs Fernsehen und Streamen geht weiter: HDSX TV Sound Optimizer jetzt auch mit HDMI-Anschluss

The sound revolution for television and streaming continues: HDSX TV Sound Optimizer now also with HDMI connection

One year after the release of the small device to combat volume fluctuations when watching TV, Kronoton is launching another sound innovation as an add-on in the HDMI version with HDSX.360. The ...

Wie ein Musikproduzent den Fernsehton revolutioniert

How a music producer is revolutionizing TV sound

A small device ensures balanced volume and understandable dialogues when watching TV Sometimes innovations that change the world come about by chance. Gunnar Kron from Hamburg had such a moment ...

Das Ende des schlechten Fernsehtons: Der HDSX TV Sound Optimizer macht Schluss mit Lautstärkeschwankungen und unverständlicher Sprache

The end of bad TV sound: The HDSX TV Sound Optimizer puts an end to volume fluctuations and incomprehensible speech

According to a recent survey, almost three-quarters of Germans criticise the listening experience when watching television – Kronoton’s new product now ensures relaxed television viewing with intel...

Der HDSX TV Sound Optimizer sorgt für verlässliche Lautstärke und verständliche Dialoge beim Fernsehen

The HDSX TV Sound Optimizer ensures reliable volume and understandable dialogues when watching TV

Only the right sound makes television enjoyment perfect. But the reality in most living rooms is this: film music and sound effects such as explosions or the proud roar of the T-Rex are often much ...

Kontor DJ Delivery Service in HDSX 3D Sound mit Förderpreis “Unternehmer helfen“ des Gunnar-Uldall-Wirtschaftspreises ausgezeichnet Author Globallabs Published on:

Kontor DJ Delivery Service in HDSX 3D Sound awarded with the “Helping Entrepreneurs” sponsorship prize of the Gunnar Uldall Business Prize Author Globallabs Published on:

Great joy at Kontor Records and Kronoton. The “Kontor DJ Delivery Service “stayhome” in HDSX 3D Sound” was awarded as part of the newly created “Entrepreneurs Help!” award of the Gunnar Ulldall Bu...

Audiospezialist Kronoton präsentiert auf der BOE seine neuartige HDSX-box

Audio specialist Kronoton presents its innovative HDSX-box at the BOE

The company Kronoton from Reinbek near Hamburg has developed the solution for perfect background sound in rooms with its sound processor: With just the push of a button on the HDSX box, volume fluc...