Audio specialist Kronoton presents its innovative HDSX-box at the BOE

Audiospezialist Kronoton präsentiert auf der BOE seine neuartige HDSX-box

The company Kronoton from Reinbek near Hamburg has developed the solution for perfect background sound in rooms with its sound processor: With just the push of a button on the HDSX box, volume fluctuations and sound holes are a thing of the past. The music is now evenly distributed throughout the room at the desired volume - relaxed shopping is now possible.

The HDSX box intelligently adjusts the volume of all the tracks played in real time so that the music always remains at the same volume, but still lively and accentuated. It also fills sound holes in the room. This means that normally there is concentrated sound where a loudspeaker is installed (often too loud) and there is too little sound between the loudspeakers (too quiet). With the HDSX box, the entire room is evenly filled with sound.

The properties have been confirmed in numerous locations and customers have responded positively. They describe the music as perceptible and pleasant to listen to. Regular customers often notice the change immediately and give positive feedback. Martin Rosenboom from HORST hardware store also confirms the effect in his store: "With HDSX we have a consistent volume throughout the store with excellent intelligibility."

The application is absolutely simple: The HDSX box is simply plugged between the music player and the amplifier of the existing sound system. This already optimizes the sound. No modification of the existing system is necessary - simply plug and play.

Kronoton is presenting the HDSX-box for the first time at the BOE 2019 as an exhibitor in Dortmund. For demonstration purposes, the lounge area of ​​the ESG joint stand was equipped with the technology, enabling a sound demo under the toughest live conditions.

In addition, Kronoton Managing Director Gunnar Kron will give a lecture entitled “How background music can relax our senses” as part of the supporting program of the TECHNOLOGY & SCENOGRAPHY FORUM on both days.

Ideal location: the POS

Regardless of whether it is a retail store, shopping center or hypermarket: music is part of the basic equipment and - if presented correctly - makes a significant contribution to the customer's sense of well-being. However, depending on the genre and type of production, each piece of music has different dynamics, usually starting quietly and increasing in the chorus, then leveling off again. As a result, a consistently reliable volume can never be set reliably in the area without the HDSX box. The result is well known: the background music is either too loud or too quiet.

In short: the music is either not understood, only fragments are heard or it is too present. The selected music program therefore does not contribute to the company's brand values ​​and can even become a nuisance for customers and employees. "This is where the HDSX box comes in.

We analyze the music being played in real time and adjust the different parts of the music to the selected volume. This makes it possible for the first time to provide consistent sound in the highest quality," says Gunnar Kron, developer of HDSX and managing director of Kronoton.

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