AllgemeinKontor DJ Delivery Service in HDSX 3D Sound mit Förderpreis “Unternehmer helfen“ des Gunnar-Uldall-Wirschaftspreises ausgezeichnet

Kontor DJ Delivery Service in HDSX 3D Sound awarded with the “Helping Entrepreneurs” sponsorship prize of the Gunnar Uldall Business Prize

Great joy at Kontor Records and Kronoton. The “Kontor DJ Delivery Service “stayhome” in HDSX 3D Sound” was awarded as part of the newly created “Entrepreneurs Help” award of the Gunnar Ulldall Busi...

AllgemeinWir von Kronoton unterstützen diejenigen, die tagtäglich unsere Grundversorgung sichern, mit einem perfekten Klangambiente

At Kronoton, we support those who ensure our basic needs every day with a perfect sound ambience

In the food department of Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof in Hamburg Wandsbek there was no music at all, as the store was generally closed due to the special situation and the central sound system was al...

AllgemeinKontor Records liefert täglich DJs im HDSX 3D Sound nach Hause

Kontor Records delivers DJs in HDSX 3D sound to their homes every day

A joint action to support #stayathome The livestream "DJ Delivery Service" by dance label Kontor Records, which has just been launched online and has so far reached 1.5 million viewers via the s...

AllgemeinEinkaufen in Zeiten von Corona

Shopping in times of Corona

why the shopping atmosphere plays an important role right now Anyone who goes to the few shops that are open these days to sell basic goods will see a situation where, especially in the morning,...

AllgemeinBesserer Klang im Outlet Center durch HDSX

Better sound in the outlet center thanks to HDSX

Outlet centers are an El Dorado for shopping enthusiasts. Many brands in a small space and products at affordable prices make these shopping centers popular places. The centers are set up as pedes...

AllgemeinHDSX und optimieren den Sound der Fitnessbranche

HDSX and optimize the sound of the fitness industry

SOUNDTASTIC! Kronoton provides the leading online shop with its patented HDSX-box, the first sound enhancer for background music that is simply plugged between the music player an...

AllgemeinHDSX erobert nach Dolby Surround, THX und Atmos das Kino

HDSX conquers the cinema after Dolby Surround, THX and Atmos

HDSX makes cinemas sound better Cinemagoers are used to finding excellent sound in the cinemas. The sound of the film and the noises from all directions enhance the enjoyment. The sound quality ...

AllgemeinHDSX optimiert Klang der Hintergrundmusik im 4-Sterne Hotel

HDSX optimizes sound of background music in 4-star hotel

The lobby is the heart of every hotel. The first impression after entering is crucial in order to immediately establish a positive relationship with the hotel. This is where the hotel guest checks ...

Allgemein5 Erkenntnisse, wie handelsübliche Hintergrundmusik zur Ambientebildung und Beruhigung von Geräuschkulissen eingesetzt werden kann.

5 insights into how commercially available background music can be used to create ambience and calm background noises.

The result of a recent survey by the online reservation service Bookatable by Michelin among around 2,000 restaurant guests from Germany, Austria and Switzerland is clear: The majority of survey pa...

AllgemeinDie HDSX-box bringt auch Tresore zum Klingen

The HDSX-box also makes safes ring

It is always a particular pleasure for us to get to know our partners' new concepts and then equip them with the perfect sound ambience. A new wave of creativity is sweeping through all areas, such...

AllgemeinDie Gastro-Fachpresse ist begeistert | Besserer Sound mit Kronoton

The gastronomy press is enthusiastic | Better sound with Kronoton

We have recognized the well-known problem of background music in the restaurant industry, quote: "Pieces of music are not necessarily intended as background music. This becomes a problem in the res...

AllgemeinNachhaltige Klangverbesserung dank 5V Niedrigstromtechnik

Sustainable sound improvement thanks to 5V low-current technology

When designing the HDSX-box, it was important to us to achieve maximum performance with the lowest consumption. So we opted for the 5V low-current technology because it offers many advantages: Due ...

AllgemeinPerfekte Klangzonenabstimmung in Restaurant

Perfect sound zone tuning in restaurant

HDSX creates consistent sound across multiple rooms A restaurant welcomes its guests. From the moment they step over the threshold, the guest should immerse themselves in the atmosphere of sound,...

AllgemeinKlangambiente in der Einkaufspassage verbessert

Sound ambience in the shopping arcade improved

Enjoying a snack during your lunch break, looking for clothes or running a quick errand: shopping malls have become an integral part of the city. It's good when music lifts your mood. In one shoppi...

AllgemeinKlangstabilisierung mit der HDSX-box in einer Hotellobby

Sound stabilization with the HDSX box in a hotel lobby

Problem of background music in the hotel solved In almost every hotel that aims to create a pleasant atmosphere, guests are welcomed with music. Either with a pianist sitting in the bar, whose s...

AllgemeinHintergrundmusik im Fitness-Studio: HDSX-box optimiert Klang

Background music in the gym: HDSX-box optimizes sound

Optimal background music in the gym Anyone who has ever worked on the equipment in a gym knows how important the right music and atmosphere is for a good sporting experience. Music motivates, se...

AllgemeinHDSX-box löst Problem mit Hintergrundmusik im Einkaufszentrum

HDSX-box solves problem with background music in the shopping center

In shopping centers, operators often play selected music in the main aisles and service areas. The shopping atmosphere should be accompanied by music as much as possible. Achieving a consistent sou...

AllgemeinHDSX gratuliert Preisträger HORST

HDSX congratulates award winner HORST

Since October 2018, there has been a hardware store in Hamburg that isn't one: HORST opened its first store - and HDSX is part of it. In the first store in Hamburg-Altona, customers can find typica...

AllgemeinMesse Best of Events BOE 2019

Best of Events BOE 2019

Kronoton is presenting the HDSX-box for the first time as an exhibitor at the BOE 2019 in Dortmund. For demonstration purposes, the lounge area of ​​the ESG joint stand was equipped with the techno...

AllgemeinSoundcheck im Restaurant einer Einkaufsmeile

Soundcheck in a restaurant in a shopping mall

In large shopping centers, retailers and restaurants are usually responsible for the background music themselves. The boundaries of the shops are usually located directly along the aisles of the ce...

AllgemeinLärmsenkung durch HDSX-box in der Bar eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes

Noise reduction through HDSX-box in the bar of a cruise ship

HDSX visits an ocean liner. Shortly after boarding, all guests gather in the central bar and toast the upcoming sea voyage. Here in this bar, which is spread over three floors and connected by a la...

AllgemeinEntlastung der Mitarbeiter eines Bäckerei-Cafés mit der HDSX-box

Relieving the workload of the employees of a bakery-café with the HDSX-box

No more guest complaints about background music Everyone knows the small cafes of bakeries and pastry shops. Next to the sales counter for take-away goods, there are seating areas right next to ...